
Community Engagement: Healthy Living Outreach for Seniors


Partner with a senior living center to bring tech courses to older patrons. 

March into Health


Gail Borden Public Library collaborated with local organizations and businesses to host 34 health programs in one month.

TEDxYDL: 'Invent. Create. Change.'


Inspire your patrons and community by hosting your very own TED talk at the library. 

Library Naturalist-in-Residence


The Naturalist-in-Residence encourages the community to explore and reflect on the natural world.

Southwest History: Preserving Chicanx, Latinx and Indigenous Peoples Stories


Led by museum and archives professionals, this program was dedicated to the study and preservation of Chicanx, Latinx and Indigenous Peoples.

Creativity Crates for Summer Reading


Bath County Memorial Library’s crates provide books, crafts and resources for two weeks of at-home reading.

Summit Fitbit Cohorts

Activity tracker

Akron Summit County Public Library received a grant to loan out wearable fitness trackers to low-income residents of their city.

Memory Café

a fun time for support group sitting in a circle with arms thrown up in the air

People with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia relax and socialize at this afternoon program.

East Lansing Welcomes the World


A public library welcomes international students from a local university with an afternoon of food, music and activities. 

Dance Party! @ Odegaard


The University of Washington's Odegaard Library transformed into a dance club to welcome new students.