Thank you for your interest in submitting your library program to!

Please use the webform below to tell us about you, your library and your program. To safeguard against losing your work, please type your answers in another program and then copy and paste them below.  (Download the webform questions in Microsoft Word.) You may also upload documents, images and videos.

Our automated system will email you within 24 hours to confirm that your submission has been received. If you do not receive an email confirmation, please email your submission to us, including attachments, at Thank you!

Please note that if your submission is chosen for publication, it will be publicly available on our website. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Personal Data Notification

The ALA (American Library Association and its units) and the ALA-APA (Allied Professional Association) (collectively “ALA”) use the personal data you provide to the ALA to process membership, inform you of products, services, conferences, education opportunities, events and for other purposes which are within the Association’s mission.  To accomplish these actions, ALA contracts with third-parties who gather and process personal data to complete interactions such as online purchases, conference registration, and fulfillment. The personal data as provided is processed and stored as a legitimate Interest to the ALA in order to fulfill your requests for information and services from ALA.

For more information, review ALA’S PRIVACY POLICY.

About You (hidden)
About Your Library (hidden)
About Your Program (hidden)
Date for when program was/will be held (for program series, list multiple dates or a date range):
Program Type
Which category best describes your program? Check all that apply.
Program Topic
Which category best describes your program? Check all that apply.
About Your Library
Library Type
Please provide a brief (100-word max) description of your library and the community it serves. You may wish to include your service population size, relevant demographic information, staffing information, and/or a dominant issue facing your community/library that is relevant to your program submission. (Example: River Creek Public Library serves two rural towns in southeastern Wyoming. We are staffed by one full-time librarian. Our community elementary school recently eliminated its librarian position.)
About Your Program
Date program was/will be held
more items
for program series, list multiple dates or a date range.
Please provide a brief (100-word maximum) description of your library program. This should be a very short “snapshot” of the program so readers can get the gist quickly; you may go into greater detail in the Detailed Description section below. (Example: River Creek Readers is a parent-child reading contest held annually in partnership with area elementary schools.)
Program category

Which category below best describes your program? Check all that apply.

Target Audience
What age group did your program target? Check all that apply.
Program Budget
How much did this particular program cost your library? Please check only one; you may elaborate in the Detailed Description section below.
Was this program affiliated with an ALA or non-ALA grant or program? If yes, please specify.
Was this program the result of a partnership with another organization? If yes, please specify (e.g., local high school, university, arts organization)
Detailed Description

Please limit your responses to 200 words per question. You may include relevant materials in the Attachments section below.

What were your goals or learning outcomes for this program? How far in advance did you start planning? Who was involved? What steps did you take? Did you come across any unexpected challenges? 

How/when did you promote the event to your targeted audience? How successful were you?

If there was a cost associated with the program, how did you spend the money? What suggestions would you make for cost-cutting, if needed?

What set-up was needed the day of the event? How many staff members were needed and when? Did you face any unexpected challenges? 

Describe how the program played out. How many people attended? What feedback, if any, did you receive? Did you achieve your goals? 

If your program contained an evaluation component, please describe it here.

What advice would you offer peers interested in holding a similar program? 


Important note:  By submitting information and documents, you grant ALA permission to post them and permit their use by visitors to this website. Do not post any documents unless you have permission from the copyright holder to permit such use. By uploading any photos or videos from the event, you represent and warrant that you have obtained written permission from all individuals who are identifiable in each and every photo/video.  If you have not obtained written permission from the individuals who are identifiable in the photo, do not upload the photo.

You are encouraged to submit supplemental materials that may be useful to others wishing to create a similar program. This may include:

  • Event photos
  • Video URLs (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo)
  • Planning documents
  • Promotional materials (posters, postcards, fliers)
  • Reading lists
  • Scripts
  • Work plans

Please be sure to remove any personal or confidential information, as these documents will be publicly available.

Please email your photos, video URLs (e.g., YouTube, social media posts) and attachments (PDFs preferred) to

*Before submitting the form make sure all required fields are complete. If you do receive a form validation error, in addition to completing the missing fields, you will also need to re-attach any files or images you were submitting.