You may have heard of Small Business Saturday; perhaps you’ve even scored a Shop Small® tote bag while out shopping during the holiday season. Did you know your library can be part of it?

Founded by American Express in 2010, Small Business Saturday helps bring attention to the importance of supporting small businesses in communities across the United States. Neighborhood Champions play a vital role in helping communities celebrate the day by holding events and rallying small businesses to participate.
In 2016, 6,700 organizations — including dozens of libraries — participated as Neighborhood Champions, reaching millions of small businesses across all 50 states.
Here’s how your library can take part this year on Saturday, Nov 25:
- Apply to be a Neighborhood Champion at by Nov 6.
- Throw at least one event on Small Business Saturday that brings the community and businesses together.
- Reach out to at least 10 local small businesses and encourage them to participate in your event.
- You’ll receive a Small Business Saturday Event Kit* with a variety of free Shop Small® swag, such as tote bags, posters and balloons to help support your event. Remember to hand out the Shop Small swag to local small businesses and get them excited for the day.
What kinds of events might you plan? For more inspiration, here are three Small Business Saturday events held by libraries in 2016.
- Tamarack District Library in Lakeview, Mich., organized a scavenger hunt showcasing local businesses.
- International Falls (Minn.) Public Library worked with high-school volunteers to offer two hours of free childcare on Small Business Saturday, freeing up parents to go shopping.
- The Crowley (Texas) Public Library invited patrons to drop off receipts for items purchased locally during the month of November.
Learn more about Small Business Saturday and becoming a Neighborhood Champion.
See Terms of Participation for additional details. *While supplies last. Contents may vary. Apply by Nov 6.