During these challenging times, you may not have plans for National Library Week (April 19-25) or you may be unsure how to get involved this year. But there are many ways to recognize NLW and celebrate how libraries are continuing to serve their communities.
To help, ALA has created a tip sheet, 20 Easy Ways to Participate in NLW 2020, that is full of ideas on how your library can join the festivities virtually. Here are a few of our favorites.

Take it online
Make a digital display about National Library Week that includes ebooks, movies, music and other electronic resources that reflect the theme, "Find the library at your place."
Use the National Library Week Canva template to promote your library’s online resources. Or post the video PSA from National Library Week Honorary Chairs Maia and Alex Shibutani, Olympic ice dancing medalists a.k.a. the ShibSibs, to your website or social media.
Celebrate themed days
Create a social media post highlighting ALA’s list of the Top 10 Most Challenged Books, announced on Monday of National Library Week (Monday, 4/20). For National Library Workers Day (Tuesday, 4/21), share photos of library staff online.
Get the community involved
Ask library users to participate in the #ThankYouLibraries promotion by tagging your library on social media and posting about how the library has made a difference while they’ve been social distancing at home. One randomly selected winner will receive a $100 Visa gift card. You can also encourage community members to use the National Library Week Facebook Profile Frame to show support for libraries.
Share your stories
Use the hashtag #LibrariesStrong on social media to show how your library is continuing to serve the community during these challenging times, whether it’s keeping your library’s Wi-Fi turned on or serving as a collection point for donated masks. Post #ThrowbackThursday content on social media highlighting your library’s history.
Read the full list of tips for more ideas.