
Taking Care of Us

Blogger Jenn Carson shares tips to help us take care of ourselves, so we can continue helping others.

3D Paper Snowflakes

making paper snowflakes with your own hands to spread holiday joy

Crafting and donating three-dimensional snowflakes is a fun (and cheap!) community service project for teens.

Holiday BARK

young girl sits on floor reading in library with a reading dog and its trainer

Molly, Nico, Nigel and Destry came to a Los Angeles library branch to hear holiday stories from young readers.


Young woman excitedly opens mysterious box as glowing contents shine on her face

This Columbia College library program is part-geocache, part-hidden exhibit, part-library scavenger hunt.

Hour of Code

Join the global computer science movement by offering self-guided, hour-long coding tutorials at your library.

Eating Healthy for the Holidays

passing a dish of brussels sprouts at a festive holiday table

A nutritionist shows patrons how to make savory meals without splurging on calories.