Civil Rights and a Civil Society: A Library-Law Enforcement Partnership
Tune in and learn how Nashville (Tenn.) Public Library has partnered with local law enforcement agencies to develop an innovative public program series that uses history as a gateway to productive, critical conversations on race, policing and human rights.
Nashville Public Library’s program, Civil Rights and a Civil Society: Civil Rights Training for Nashville Enforcement Agencies and Beyond, originated in 2015 as a partnership between the library and the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department for new officer trainees. It has since expanded to include Tennessee Bureau of Investigation agents, garnering interest from other agencies and communities across the country.
Through archival images, oral histories and films, this civil rights program series connects history with today’s prevailing issues affecting law enforcement and minority communities. Find out how Nashville Public Library has positioned itself as a key player in local social commentary.

Since 2003, Andrea Blackman has coordinated Nashville Public Library's nationally recognized Civil Rights Room and Collection, after years of teaching and consulting in both Florida and Tennessee. During her tenure, she has led 10 successful oral history projects and managed the expansion of the library's public programming. She serves on the board of directors for the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) and the Tennessee Historical Records Advisory Board.