Convening/Moderating Forums @ your library: Nuts and Bolts (Session 2 of 4)

Public deliberation is a process used to engage contentious, difficult issues from diverse perspectives. Learn more in this four-part series.

1 hour, 4 minutes

Topics will include deliberative conversations that public, academic, and school libraries are convening; how these discussions are repositioning libraries in their communities; and the logistics involved in planning a forum -- from choosing the issue topic to publicizing the event to following up with participants.

Also see:

Part 1: "Convening Forums @ your library: Getting Started"

Part 3: "Moderating Forums @ your library: Step by Step"

Part 4: "Convening Forums @ your library: Nuts and Bolts"


Patty Dineen, public engagement consultant/contributing editor, National Issues Forums Institute Website

Nancy Kranich, chair, ALA Center for Civic Life Advisory Committee

Ellen Knutson, program director for graduate engagement opportunities, Center for Civic Engagement at Northwestern University

Betsy McBride, designer and supporter of civic engagement projects for public agencies and other organizations