Muslim Journeys and Your Community: Managing Controversy, Maximizing Impact

Best practices for preparing for and responding to intellectual freedom challenges, and implementing Muslim Journeys programs.

1 hour, 10 minutes

Islam is the second-most widely practiced faith in the world, and international news items focus on events in Muslim-majority societies daily. Librarians face the unique challenge of reaching patrons with requested information and programming regarding this often unfamiliar culture, while managing reactions from others who may hold Islamophobic or anti-Muslim prejudices.

Librarians participating in the NEH’s Bridging Cultures Muslim Journeys initiative were invited to attend this free webinar to learn more about best practices for implementing successful Muslim Journeys programs, and responding effectively to intellectual freedom challenges. Other interested programming librarians were also welcome.

Martin Garnar, chair of ALA’s Committee on Professional Ethics, and Lesley Williams, Muslim Journeys project director from the Evanston Public Library, shared ideas and best practices based on their own experiences.


Martin Garnar, chair, ALA Committee on Professional Ethics

Lesley Williams, program director, Muslim Journeys