Who Are We?: An Award-winning Humanities Program Model for School Libraries

The 2012 Sara Jaffarian Award winner, Francis Feeley, presents his award winning, replicable school library programming. 

46 minutes

Francis Feeley, school librarian at the Inter-American Magnet School, Chicago, and winner of the 2012 Sara Jaffarian Award, will present his winning model for humanities programming in the school library. The program, titled “Who Are We?,” challenged seventh- and eighth-grade students to explore the individual and collective behavior of human beings in the past and present in a series of quarterly research projects. Following the presentation, Feeley will discuss elements of his award application that lead to his selection, and give tips to prospective applicants to help get their applications started. Sponsored by the ALA Cultural Communities Fund.


Francis Feeley, school librarian, Inter-American Magnet School (Chicago)

Annalisa Keuler, school librarian, Homewood (Ala.) High School