For virtual programming, ALA's Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table (GNCRT) has been organizing Dramatic Comics Readings for special round table events. This program is originally based on an idea by the cartoonist R Sikoryak, who hosts ”Comics Carousels” at comic conventions he attends. The idea is to work with comic creators to present a portion of their work to a live audience - sound effects, character voices and other creative mayhem is encouraged!
The comic is presented on attendee screens so that the audience can read along with the work. After the dramatic reading is concluded, we host a live question and answer session with the creators. This format allows for audience engagement, regardless of whether they have read the chosen material in advance or not. It is an excellent way to introduce the comics format to readers who may not have engaged with the medium in the past, harkening back to libraries’ story time roots.
This is a great program to celebrate National Library Week 2025's theme of "Drawn to the Library."
Advanced Planning
The goal for this program was to create an engaging way for audiences to interact with comic creators in an online environment.
We contact artists we would like to feature 2 – 3 months in advance of the event. We reach out to them to present the idea and share videos of prior examples.
Once our chosen artists are confirmed, it is their responsibility to format the visuals for broadcasting. This can be done in a PowerPoint presentation, Issuu flipbooks or a webcomic panel format. We also leave it up to the artists to decide how they will present the words in their comics.
One year, the artists pre-recorded their dramatic reading in order to make use of their friends who run a podcast for AV assistance and voice acting. But live reading works just as well.
Librarians are usually familiar with the artists’ work and they will prepare questions for the Q&A portion in advance to warm up the audience.
As this program is part of a day-long event, all participating round tables share out our marketing through our respective social media networks and ALA networks.
GNCRT has recruited presenters through our publisher networks and usually does not pay speaker honorariums. You may encounter speaker fees based on artist connections and availability. The virtual nature of this event has made some scheduling and organization a little easier and cheaper.
Day-of-event Activity
Because this is a digital event, we ask for artists to share the presentation materials at least 24 hours in advance of the program.
We usually have one librarian emceeing with the artists, one person running our video software, and at least one other person moderating the chat. GameRT uses StreamLabs for their virtual programming, but this could also be hosted other video conference platforms, such as Zoom.
We do tech checks to make sure not only that people’s microphone and sound are working but also to ensure that the presentation materials are displaying properly. There have absolutely been technical difficulties, but we work through them.
Program Execution
This program runs for about 45 minutes to an hour. We introduce the program in the first 5 minutes. The dramatic reading is usually about 15 – 20 minutes. Then, we host the Q&A session for another 15 – 20 minutes.
Finally, we have closing remarks, including thanking the artists and marketing their work, in the last 5 minutes.
By leaving the creative decisions on how to share comics over video in the artists’ hands, we avoid potential questions about copyright. If you wanted to do this activity with library patrons or staff doing the reading, you might consider hosting it live and not recording it. It could make for a good book club activity if you’re looking to spice up your meetings, although you would want to give participants time to prepare in advance.
Supporting Materials
- Feedback (Coming Soon!)
- Programming Librarian Facebook Group