SuffRAGE Against the Machine: Zines


Dive into the history of zine-making and how to use digital collections to make your own.

Primary Source Scrapbooking


Use current magazines, newspapers, flyers and personal effects to create a DIY personal history that might become a future primary source.

Female Veterans Art Therapy

Illustration of a person in a green shirt painting. There is a watercolor American flag in the background.

This program series at Sacramento Public Library offers virtual art therapy for female veterans.

Inspiration Place: Spring Fantasy


This successful hybrid art program inspires adult patrons to create and share their artistic visions.

Community Art Swap

Illustration of various art supplies.

Divert art materials from landfills and encourage environmental-friendly crafts.

Authors Speak Series: Drawing

Photograph of person drawing a pair of eyes.

This hybrid program series invites older adults to workshops led by local authors.

Fall for Fine Arts 2


LAPL celebrated Black History Month with a study of African American artists and hands-on classes inspired by their work.

Tails and Tales Mini-Canvas Art Contest


A Utah library invited adult patrons to create mini artworks based on the Tails and Tales summer reading theme.