Helping Hands: Upcycled Sleeping Mats

In a tiny storefront branch, people trasform plastic bags into sleeping mats for homeless residents.
In a tiny storefront branch, people trasform plastic bags into sleeping mats for homeless residents.
A Texas library offered a night of activities inspired by Sherlock Holmes, including an escape room.
Dive into the history of zine-making and how to use digital collections to make your own.
Use current magazines, newspapers, flyers and personal effects to create a DIY personal history that might become a future primary source.
The average American throws away four pounds of garbage each day. Turn some of that trash into crafts.
Created with images or words, vision boards help people visualize their goals and intentions.
Armed with duct tape and hot glue guns, teens at the Arapahoe Libraries created steampunk accessories perfect for cosplay and Halloween.
Residents of Waxahachie, Texas, are uncovering hidden, book-themed rocks all over town.
A library crafting group devoted their winter to knitting cozy, fidget-friendly crafts to help people with dementia.
Patrons de-stress after the holidays by transforming plain white boxes into unique, handmade creations.