Spotlight on 'Include': Takeaways from the 2019 AASL National Conference
Inclusion was a central theme at the nation's gathering of school librarians in Louisville.
Culture Nights: Easy, Educational and Fun
Introduce your small community to cultures — and local residents — from around the world.
The National Day of Racial Healing
ALA is joining the W.K. Kellogg Foundation in observing the National Day of Racial Healing.
Interfaith Discussion about Holy Books
Palatine Library partnered with the Sikh Religious Society to promote cross-cultural learning.
Anti-Racism in My Rural Library
In a conservative Iowa town of just 250, Chelsea Price is striving to make her tiny library inclusive.
Apply by July 15 to be part of the Great Stories Club's uncoming theme, "Growing Up Brave on the Margins."
Diverse Books Programs for Students
Inspired by the Read Woke movement, Calvert County Public Schools started a diverse books challenge.
The Free Library of Philadelphia built bridges with the community through a collection of rare Islamic texts.