Books & Bites


Books & Bites starts with a book or TV show and looks at the history that surrounds it — with food.

Bike Ride: Visualizing the 1919 Chicago Race Riots in Today’s City


Chicago's Newberry Library led an eight-stop bike tour that chronicled the riots on their 100th anniversary.

Historical Swordcraft


Hear ye, hear ye! Learn all about historical swordcraft through professional demonstrations, discussion and hands-on techniques.

Oregon Trail Live-Action Simulation


Inspired by the original video game, this program simulates a full run of the historical trail. 

Titanic Dinner


Come aboard the Titanic (at the library) for a fascinating history lesson and dining experience. 

“What Will I Do?”

Thousands viewed the Americans and the Holocaust exhibit at this library and the impact continues.

Abayomi Doll Making Workshop

Photograph of materials in the doll-making kit.

This workshop highlights Black American subcultures, specifically the Gullah-Geechee of Coastal Georgia.