Convening/Moderating Forums @ your library: Getting Started (Session 1 of 4)

Public deliberation is a process used to engage contentious, difficult issues from diverse perspectives. Learn more in this four-part series.

1 hour, 6 minutes

Topics include deliberative conversations that public, academic, and school libraries are convening; how these discussions are repositioning libraries in their communities; and the logistics involved in planning a forum -- from choosing the issue topic to publicizing the event to following up with participants.

Also see:

Part 2: "Moderating Forums @ your library: Nuts and Bolts"

Part 3: "Moderating Forums @ your library: Step by Step"

Part 4: "Convening Forums @ your library: Nuts and Bolts"


Carolyn Caywood, convener, Virginia Beach Public Library Forums

Nancy Kranich, chair, ALA Center for Civic Life Advisory Committee

Patty Dineen, public engagement consultant/contributing editor, National Issues Forums Institute Website