With COVID-19, many libraries were thrown into uncharted terrain when it came to programming. And so — as libraries do — they quickly innovated, coming up with a vast array of virtual programs in a short time. Some were twists on old favorites while others were brand new concepts.

ALA’s Public Programs Office is compiling a collection of virtual library programs to share in an forthcoming book from ALA Editions.
What virtual program has worked well at your library? Please tell us about it in this brief survey by Friday, July 17!
>>> Take the survey (estimated completion time: 10 minutes) <<<
A few important notes:
- All library types are welcome!
- We would love to hear about multiple virtual programs held at your library, but please fill out a separate survey for each program.
- Virtual programs held at any time are acceptable; we are not restricting submissions to those offered during the pandemic.
- If your program is featured in our book, you will be acknowledged in the publication.
Looking for some examples of virtual library programs? Here are a few from our website:
- Virtual [Spanish/French] Conversation Hour
- The Great Brookie Bake-Off (Online)
- Virtual Literary Legos
- Dream Careers: Virus Hunter
- Virtual Art Show
- Virtual Beer Tasting
- Quaranzine (A Quarantine Zine)
Questions? Email ALA's Public Programs Office. Thank you!