The R.O.A.D. I Travel: A Program Model for School Libraries

Learn how Perry Meridian Middle School in Indianapolis partnered with other organizations to create an award-winning genealogy unit.

1 hour

Creating a library program can be daunting regardless of an audience’s age. Developing a program for K-8 students— one that aligns with curriculum, stays on budget and keeps kids engaged — comes with a unique set of challenges.

“The R.O.A.D. I Travel: A Program Model for School Libraries” will explore how an Indianapolis middle school library partnered with other organizations to develop an innovative genealogy unit for eighth-graders. The program was recognized with ALA’s 2014 Sara Jaffarian School Library Program Award for Exemplary Humanities Programming.


Leslie Preddy, school librarian at Perry Meridian Middle School

Suzanne Walker, children’s services consultant at the Indiana State Library