Submit a Program

Thank you for your interest in submitting your library program for publication on Programming Librarian, a website of the American Library Association (ALA)! 

Please use the webform below to tell us about you, your library and your program. Note that you will not be able to save your form and submit it later; to safeguard against losing your work, we recommend typing your answers in another program and then copying them below. (Download the webform questions in Microsoft Word.)

If your submission is chosen for publication, it will be publicly available on our website. If you have any questions, please contact us at

About Your Library

About Your Library

If your library is already in our system, you can search for it below, after clicking "Add Existing Library". If you can't find it, you can cancel the search and add it below.

Title Status Operations
Bull Run Library

Community Type

How would you describe the community your library is located in? If you represent a school or academic library, please answer about the city or town in which the library is located.

Community Type
About Your Program

Program Summary

In 2-3 sentences, describe your library program.

Program Budget

How much did this particular program cost your library? Please check only one; you may elaborate in the Detailed Description section below.

Program Budget

Target Audience

What age group did your program target? Check all that apply.

Target Audience

Advance Planning

What were your goals or learning outcomes for this program? How far in advance did you start planning? Who was involved? What steps did you take? Did you come across any unexpected challenges?


How/when did you promote the event to your targeted audience? How successful were you?

Budget Details

If there was a cost associated with the program, how did you spend the money? What suggestions would you make for cost-cutting, if needed? 

Day-of-event activity

What set-up was needed the day of the event? How many staff members were needed and when? Did you face any unexpected challenges?

Program Execution

Describe how the program played out. How many people attended? What feedback, if any, did you receive? Did you achieve your goals?


What advice would you offer peers interested in holding a similar program?


Please email your photos, video URLs (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo) and attachments to

Approve Submission

By uploading information and documents, you acknowledge that other visitors of the website will have access to and the right to use your ideas, information and documents. Further, you agree to the following:

With respect to the write-up of your idea which you submit (“Submission”), you hereby assign all right, title and interest (including all intellectual property rights) in and to the written submission to ALA. Without limiting the foregoing, ALA may modify, share, publish, display, distribute the Submission throughout the world in all means of expression by any method now known or developed hereafter, including electronic format, and to market or sell the same or any part of it as it sees fit.

With respect to the Attachments you are providing in conjunction with the Submission (for example flyers, budgets, other documents used in connection with your program) (“Attachments”) you hereby grant ALA a royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual license to use, copy, distribute, display, publish, sublicense and transfer rights in and to the Attachments in all means of expression by any method now known or developed hereafter, including electronic format, and to market or sell the same or any part of it as it sees fit.

NOTE: Please do not submit documents unless you have permission from the copyright holder to permit such use. By uploading any photos or videos from the event, you represent and warrant that you have obtained written permission from all individuals who are identifiable in each and every photo/video. If you have not obtained written permission from the individuals who are identifiable in the photo, do not upload the photo.

Personal Data Notification

The ALA (American Library Association and its units) and the ALA-APA (Allied Professional Association) (collectively “ALA”) use the personal data you provide to the ALA to process membership, inform you of products, services, conferences, education opportunities, events and for other purposes which are within the Association’s mission. 

To accomplish these actions, ALA contracts with third-parties who gather and process personal data to complete interactions such as online purchases, conference registration, and fulfillment. The personal data as provided is processed and stored as a legitimate Interest to the ALA in order to fulfill your requests for information and services from ALA.

By providing personal data, you agree to the terms of the ALA Privacy Policy.

Revision information
Briefly describe the changes you have made.