ALA invites applications from public libraries in the United States and territories interested in hosting the traveling exhibition World on the Move: 250,000 Years of Human Migration, developed by the American Anthropological Association and the Smithsonian’s Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage.

ALA will accept applications from October 10, 2022, to November 14, 2022. Learn more and apply online.
Fifteen public libraries will be selected to host the 1000-square-foot exhibit for approximately five weeks. Selected sites will also receive a $500 stipend to conduct public programs, events or activities related to the human migration themes explored in the exhibition.
As libraries plan their applications, they will want to reach out to potential community partners, including nearby colleges, museums, faith-based institutions and cultural centers, to discuss possible programs and events to accompany the exhibition. Examples include speaker programs, performing arts events, film screenings, town halls or other activities.
World on the Move brings the lens of science, history, and lived experience to a timely yet timeless topic: migration and displacement. By presenting case studies from across human history and a breadth of cultures, World on the Move will help visitors reframe how they think – and talk – about migration by:
- Recognizing that migration is a shared human experience.
- Appreciating the complexity and diversity of migration stories.
- Feeling safe to discuss issues surrounding migration.
- Sharing migration stories with family members, neighbors, and friends.
- Feeling proud of their family’s migration stories.
- Gaining greater empathy towards migrants in their communities and elsewhere.
The World on the Move: 250,000 Years of Human Migration tour will be overseen by the ALA Public Programs Office. To stay informed about other ALA traveling exhibitions, grant opportunities, and professional development from the Public Programs Office, sign up for our newsletter.