
Catch up on the latest in library programming news.


Civics in the Library: Can You Pass the Citizenship Test?

How much do you know about civics? Take a sample citizenship test and help assist patrons at the library to become stronger participants in the democratic process.


Disability Pride Month Resource Round-up

July is Disability Pride Month. This list of resources can help prepare your library to celebrate with programs, book displays and educational opportunities.


Partnering for Stronger Programming: A Free Toolkit for Libraries

This new toolkit provides five tools for library workers with actionable steps to help partnerships grow sustainably and meet programming goals.


There is Joy for All: Tips for Joyous Library Programming

Let's bring joy back to the library — for patrons and staff.

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School's Out! Pick Up Some STEAM!

Use STEAM — science, technology, engineering, arts and math — to help teens and tweens explore the world around them.

Rural Roots: E-Newsletter Tips

One of the most effective ways for a rural library to communicate with its community is by the electronic newsletter.


Model Make and Take

This is the story of how our library worked with a local business to bring an childhood hobby to the community.

We're Going on a Photo Hunt

The University of Dayton Libraries has replaced its traditional library tour with something more engaging.

Our Picks for ALA 2015

Going to ALA 2015? We've combed through the schedule to bring you these programming-related events.

25 Years of the ADA

Ideas your library can use to honor the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Creative Aging Midterm

The "Creative Aging in America's Libraries" project celebrates its halfway mark by sharing some notable outcomes.