Hybrid: A New Take on Post-Pandemic Programming

In this webinar, participants explored hybrid programming and the benefits of switching to this programming model. 

30 minutes

In the shift to online services and programs in the wake of the pandemic, librarians discovered the benefits of online programming such as reaching new audiences. This shift also came with some drawbacks, including bridging the issues of digital equity for patrons without always having the resources at hand. Now, as the country starts to move back to offering more in-person gatherings and services, librarians are left to determine how to balance the shifting priorities and levels of comfort of their patrons while maintaining robust program offerings. In this first webinar of a series on hybrid programming, moderator Laura Saunders will explore the impact of COVID-19 on library programming, provide an overview of hybrid programming, and discuss the potential benefits of hybrid programming as a way to maintain service to remote audiences while re-introducing the in-person audience. The webinar is planned to be discussion-based with substantial time for participants to ask questions and share experiences. The webinar will also provide a brief introduction to the rest of the series. 

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the impact of COVID on library programming
  • Explore the benefits and drawbacks of various program formats, including in-person, remote, and hybrid
  • Begin to explore the questions, challenges, and opportunities of choosing hybrid programming in preparation for later webinars

Funding for this webinar has been provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) as part of the American Rescue Plan: Humanities Organization Grant.



Additional Resources


Laura Saunders is a Professor at Simmons University School of Library and Information Science. Her teaching and research focus on the areas of information literacy including mis- and disinformation, reference services, and academic libraries. She also teaches a course on intellectual freedom and censorship. Her most recent books include Reference and Information Services: An Introduction, 6th edition, co-edited with Melissa Wong and the open access textbook Instruction in Libraries and Information Settings: An Introduction, co-authored with Melissa Wong. Her articles have appeared in a variety of journals including College & Research Libraries, The Journal of Academic Librarianship, and Communications in Information Literacy. Laura has a PhD and a Master of Library and Information Science, both from Simmons College, and a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Boston University. She is the 2019 recipient of Simmons University’s Provost Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching.