
Beginner Sourdough Class

Beginner Sourdough Class is a crash course for those wishing to dive into making a sourdough starter, with tips on how to care for it and a simple recipe to start.

Advanced Planning

I began planning about a month and a half in advance. I made the PowerPoint and guidebook with assistance from the local cottage baker I partnered with. 

A sign-up sheet for the class was put out one month prior with 10 slots available. I initially didn't anticipate the amount of buzz this program would create and quickly had to cap attendance at 36. Even after that, I made a waitlist. I did call people on the day of the program to confirm their attendance and was able to contact those on the waitlist to fill any spots.


The event was posted on Facebook as well as in the library. Since the class filled up a week and a half before, I would say marketing this way was successful. 


I spent around $80 for supplies for 36 attendees including a door prize of sourdough items (whisk, sourdough recipe book, lame and proofing basket) from a local store that discounted 50%.

Day-of-event Activity

On the day of, I had to set up our Community Room with tables, chairs and a projector. I was able to set up alone, however an extra person or two definitely would have helped. I measured enough water and flour into individual containers for patrons to grab upon entering the class. 

When people began arriving, I asked for names and marked them off. I had some people who said they "signed up online" by marking "Going" on the Facebook event even though sign-up was only available in the library by coming in or calling, so that did throw things off. I allowed them to stay but advised that they may not be able to make their own starter or take home a guidebook. 

Patrons were asked to take one item of each (water, flour, mason jar, utensil and guidebook), but I still wound up having extra of some things and having to replenish others.

Program Execution

We had a full class of 37 people attend. I received lots of feedback immediately following the event and continue to even to this day (almost two months later). Everyone that I have spoken to enjoyed the class, and has told me about the sourdough bread they have been able to make. I've also had many patrons asking when I will hold the class again because they were sad they missed it. I more than achieved my goal since I thought this would be a small 10-person class at best.

Even two months after the class, I have seen sourdough books on our holds shelf every week. I sent out a survey from SurveyMonkey to 25 of the attendees who had left their email at sign-up and received 13 responses.  Of the 13 responses, all said it was taught clearly and concisely, 12/13 said they would be interested in a similar beginner-type class, and 10 responded with ideas for classes they'd like to see. My favorite "additional feedback" I received was that someone remarked they learned more in the one-hour class than they would have from lots of internet searching.


If you do not have personal experience with sourdough, invite a family member, friend or patron who has a comfortable knowledge of sourdough to help host the class. Most everything you need is in the slideshow and guidebook, but for on-the-spot questions, I deferred to the local expert.

Supporting Materials

Slideshow Images