Mutual Support
Partnerships with local businesses, nonprofit or civic groups increase the reach and impact of library efforts.
Partnerships with local businesses, nonprofit or civic groups increase the reach and impact of library efforts.
Are you making any mistakes in forging new partnerships?
Now is the perfect time to expand relationships with community partners, like Gwinnett County Public Library did with area food banks.
Relationship-building is an evolution. Here are some ways to get started.
Free materials from ALA are designed to help library workers prepare for and lead discussions in their communities.
Walking is good for your health, the environment and even the economy. Get out there and take a stroll.
Is your library circulating sports equipment? Don't just loan out the stuff — show people how to use it.
A collaborative program series in central Iowa brings health and wellness programming to residents for six months of the year.
Two recent health conferences show ways for libraries to become more involved in making Americans healthier.